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«Play» in English 

Я пойду! Я не пойду!
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WLCM aboard
и антикафе "Кот да Винчи"
представляют проект cinéma[KOT]thèque in English:

October, 27
Ruben Östlund

"Play" (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, 2011)

In Gothenburg a gang of five black teenage boys act out an elaborate scheme for taking the belongings of one Asian and two white teenage boys, in which the blacks play good cop/bad cop. First they ask the time. When one of the victims checks the time on his mobile phone they claim it looks like the one that was stolen from a brother of one of them. The three boys have to come along to verify this with the brother. After some moving around, one boy of the gang wants to quit; the gang leader responds with beating him up and kicking him. The four remaining gang members proceed with the three boys. At one point the seven have to flee from a gang of adults, and one black and one white boy together get separated from the other five. By phone they find out the location of the others and reunite.

The film led to a public debate in Swedish mass media, which in particular saw many indignated reactions from the far left of the political spectrum.

The debate was triggered when author Jonas Hassen Khemiri published a list in Dagens Nyheter, with the title "47 reasons that I cried when I saw Ruben Östlund's film Play".

Among Hassen Khemiri's reasons were number six, "because I thought it was racist", and number 27, "because the audience laughed when the black robbers called a white guy an ape"

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